Thursday, September 22, 2005
For Women
Baru kali ini saya membaca buku yang seandainya saya tidak ada kesibukan lain pastilah sudah selesai dalam waktu kurang dari setengah hari..... amazing .
Padahal saya sedang pusing namun istimewanya setelah baca buku ini pusing saya jadi hilang. Nanti saya kasih comment kalo saya dah selesai baca :p
Friday, September 02, 2005
Poetry 3
The English sonnet, also called the Shakespearean sonnet, has a rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg. Shakespeare used this form in his sonnets. His Sonnet 130, which was published in 1609, follows:
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun-
Coral is far more red than her lips' red-
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun-
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head:
I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks,
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound.
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress when she walks treads on the ground.
And yet by heaven I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
mistress: kb. 1 nyonya rumah. 2 kekasih, gundik. 3 nyonya. the dog's m. nyonya pemilik anjing.
dun: kkt. (dunned) menagih, mengganggu dengan tagihan.' or a dull (tumpul) greyish-brown colour
damask: · adj. poetic/literary of the colour of a damask rose.
· v. poetic/literary decorate with or as if with a variegated pattern.
delight: kb. 1 kesenangan. 2 kesukaan. -kkt. sangat menyenangkan, menggembirakan hati.
-kki. senang. -delighted ks. sangat gembira / senang.
reek: kki. 1 berbau busuk. That spoiled meat reeks Daging yang busuk itu sudah bau.
2 berbau. His clothes r. of tobaco smoke Pakaian-pakaiannya berbau tembakau.
hath: archaic (ks. tidak dipakai lagi, kuno, kolot, lama. an a. expression perkataan yang tidak
dipakai lagi) third person singular present of have.
grant: kb. dana/uang bantuan. -kkt. 1 mengabulkan (a request). 2 memberi (a charter).
3 mengakui. 4 tanggung. grant-in-aid bantuan uang. -granted boleh, silakan. to take for
granted 1 diterima selaku benar. 2 menganggap pasti. granting that sungguhpun.
belie:kkt. mengingkari, memungkiri. His action b. his principles Tindakan-tindakannya
mengingkari pendiriannya.
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun-
Coral is far more red than her lips' red-
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun-
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head:
I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks,
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound.
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress when she walks treads on the ground.
And yet by heaven I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
mistress: kb. 1 nyonya rumah. 2 kekasih, gundik. 3 nyonya. the dog's m. nyonya pemilik anjing.
dun: kkt. (dunned) menagih, mengganggu dengan tagihan.' or a dull (tumpul) greyish-brown colour
damask: · adj. poetic/literary of the colour of a damask rose.
· v. poetic/literary decorate with or as if with a variegated pattern.
delight: kb. 1 kesenangan. 2 kesukaan. -kkt. sangat menyenangkan, menggembirakan hati.
-kki. senang. -delighted ks. sangat gembira / senang.
reek: kki. 1 berbau busuk. That spoiled meat reeks Daging yang busuk itu sudah bau.
2 berbau. His clothes r. of tobaco smoke Pakaian-pakaiannya berbau tembakau.
hath: archaic (ks. tidak dipakai lagi, kuno, kolot, lama. an a. expression perkataan yang tidak
dipakai lagi) third person singular present of have.
grant: kb. dana/uang bantuan. -kkt. 1 mengabulkan (a request). 2 memberi (a charter).
3 mengakui. 4 tanggung. grant-in-aid bantuan uang. -granted boleh, silakan. to take for
granted 1 diterima selaku benar. 2 menganggap pasti. granting that sungguhpun.
belie:kkt. mengingkari, memungkiri. His action b. his principles Tindakan-tindakannya
mengingkari pendiriannya.
Poetry 2
Much poetry, especially that written in the 1900's, has no rhyme scheme and no meter. Such poetry is often called free verse. The American poet Theodore Roethke used no rhyme scheme and no meter in "Root Cellar" (1943). The unpredictable form of Roethke's poem echoes the unexpected behavior of the things in the cellar:
Nothing would sleep in that cellar, dank as a ditch,
Bulbs broke out of boxes hunting for chinks in the dark,
Shoots dangled and drooped,
Lolling obscenely from mildewed crates,
Hung down long yellow evil necks, like tropical snakes.
And what a congress of stinks!
Roots ripe as old bait,
Pulpy stems, rank, silo-rich,
Leaf-mold, manure, lime, piled against slippery planks.
Nothing would give up life:
Even the dirt kept breathing a small breath.
cellar: kb. gudang dibawah tanah. 2 Inf.: tempat terakhir. This baseball is in the c. Regu baseball ini menduduki tempat terakhir.
dan : ks. lembab, basah. d. cave gua yang lembab.
ditch: kb. selokan, parit. -kkt. 1 mendaratkan diatas air (a plane). 2 Sl.: melenyapkan, menyingkirkan, membuang. to steal a car and then d. it mencuri mobil dan menyingkirkannya.
bulb: kb. 1 Elec.: bola lampu, lampu pijar, bohlam. 2 ubi-ubian. 3 pentolan. b. of a thermometer pentolan thermometer.
chink: kb. celah, sela, renggang, retak
dangle: kkt. membayang-bayangkan. -kki. menguntai, berjuntai, teruntai.
loll: kki. 1 bermalas-malas. 2 bertiduran atau bersandar secara malas.
obscene: ks. cabul, carut. o. literature pembacaan cabul.
mildew: kb. jamur, lumut. -kki. berjamur, melapuk.
crate: kb. 1 peti kayu. 2 Sl.: mobil. -kkt. memetikan, mempak(furniture).
ripe: ks. 1 matang (grain). 2 masak (fruit). 3 siap (for a revolution).
bait: kb. umpan. -kkt. 1 mengumpani. 2 menyerang. 3 menyiksa.
mold: kb. 1 cetakan (for cookies). 2 jamur (on books). -kkt. 1 membentuk (character). 2 mencetak, membentuk (dough). -molding kb. papan hias tembok.
pulpy: ks. seperti bubur empuk sekali.
rank: kb. 1 pangkat (in armed forces). 2 barisan. 3 Mil.: tingkat bawahan. -kki. menduduki. -ranking kb. kedudukan. ks. terkemuka.
silo: kb. Agri.: gudang tertutup tempat menyimpan makanan ternak. 2 Mil.: tempat peluncuran peluru (kendali) dibawah tanah (for launching missiles).
manure: kb. pupuk, rabuk. -kkt. memupuk, merabuk.
pile: kb. 1 gundukan, tumpukan (of stones, snow, sand, books). 2 tiang. 3 onggokan (of wood).
4 Phys.: kesatuan. 5 lapisan. -piles j. bawasir.-piling kb. jojol, embarau, tiang pancang.
lime: kb. 1 kapur. l. burning pembakaran kapur. 2 limau. l. juice air jeruk/limau.
slippery: ks. 1 licin (road, sidewalk).2 licik, licin (person).
plank: kb. 1 papan. 2 Pol.: bagian penting. -kkt. to p. down 1 menaruh atau meletakkan
dengan kekuatan (a book). 2 Inf.: membayar sekaligus.
Nothing would sleep in that cellar, dank as a ditch,
Bulbs broke out of boxes hunting for chinks in the dark,
Shoots dangled and drooped,
Lolling obscenely from mildewed crates,
Hung down long yellow evil necks, like tropical snakes.
And what a congress of stinks!
Roots ripe as old bait,
Pulpy stems, rank, silo-rich,
Leaf-mold, manure, lime, piled against slippery planks.
Nothing would give up life:
Even the dirt kept breathing a small breath.
cellar: kb. gudang dibawah tanah. 2 Inf.: tempat terakhir. This baseball is in the c. Regu baseball ini menduduki tempat terakhir.
dan : ks. lembab, basah. d. cave gua yang lembab.
ditch: kb. selokan, parit. -kkt. 1 mendaratkan diatas air (a plane). 2 Sl.: melenyapkan, menyingkirkan, membuang. to steal a car and then d. it mencuri mobil dan menyingkirkannya.
bulb: kb. 1 Elec.: bola lampu, lampu pijar, bohlam. 2 ubi-ubian. 3 pentolan. b. of a thermometer pentolan thermometer.
chink: kb. celah, sela, renggang, retak
dangle: kkt. membayang-bayangkan. -kki. menguntai, berjuntai, teruntai.
loll: kki. 1 bermalas-malas. 2 bertiduran atau bersandar secara malas.
obscene: ks. cabul, carut. o. literature pembacaan cabul.
mildew: kb. jamur, lumut. -kki. berjamur, melapuk.
crate: kb. 1 peti kayu. 2 Sl.: mobil. -kkt. memetikan, mempak(furniture).
ripe: ks. 1 matang (grain). 2 masak (fruit). 3 siap (for a revolution).
bait: kb. umpan. -kkt. 1 mengumpani. 2 menyerang. 3 menyiksa.
mold: kb. 1 cetakan (for cookies). 2 jamur (on books). -kkt. 1 membentuk (character). 2 mencetak, membentuk (dough). -molding kb. papan hias tembok.
pulpy: ks. seperti bubur empuk sekali.
rank: kb. 1 pangkat (in armed forces). 2 barisan. 3 Mil.: tingkat bawahan. -kki. menduduki. -ranking kb. kedudukan. ks. terkemuka.
silo: kb. Agri.: gudang tertutup tempat menyimpan makanan ternak. 2 Mil.: tempat peluncuran peluru (kendali) dibawah tanah (for launching missiles).
manure: kb. pupuk, rabuk. -kkt. memupuk, merabuk.
pile: kb. 1 gundukan, tumpukan (of stones, snow, sand, books). 2 tiang. 3 onggokan (of wood).
4 Phys.: kesatuan. 5 lapisan. -piles j. bawasir.-piling kb. jojol, embarau, tiang pancang.
lime: kb. 1 kapur. l. burning pembakaran kapur. 2 limau. l. juice air jeruk/limau.
slippery: ks. 1 licin (road, sidewalk).2 licik, licin (person).
plank: kb. 1 papan. 2 Pol.: bagian penting. -kkt. to p. down 1 menaruh atau meletakkan
dengan kekuatan (a book). 2 Inf.: membayar sekaligus.
Lord Tennyson's poetry that was first published in 1842,
Break, break, break,
On thy cold gray stones, O Sea!
And I would that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise in me.
In these four lines, Tennyson reflects on the connection between the sea and himself. The sea breaks up on rocks much as the poet's thoughts seem to break up on his tongue before he can explain how he feels. This connection between the sea and the poet is reinforced by the fact that "Sea" rhymes with "me." In addition, the two lines about the sea and the two lines about the poet have the same three-beat rhythm. Tennyson could have directly stated how he felt by writing something like: "I wish I could tell you how rotten I feel today." By using poetry, however, Tennyson helped his readers both understand and feel how he felt.
*thy : ( milik kepunyaan) kamu, engkau, -mu. t. book bukumu.
utter: ks. sama sekali. It is u. chaos Keadaan sama sekali kacau-balau. -kkt. 1 mengucapkan.2 memanjatkan (a prayer). 3 melahirkan, mengeluarkan (o's thoughts). -utterly kk. samasekali.
arise: kki. (arose,arisen) 1 bangun. We a. each morning at 7 Kami bangun tiap hari jam 7. 2 timbul. A storm arose Angin ribut timbul. 3 berdiri. He arose from the chair Ia berdiri dari kursi.
reinforce: kkt. 1 menguatkan, menebalkan (a statement). 2 memperkuat (a bridge, troops).
reinforced concrete beton bertulang.
rhyme: kb. sajak. nursery r. sajak kanak-kanak. without r. or reason tanpa sebab. -kki. bersajak.
rotten: ks. 1 busuk (of food, air). 2 curang. 3 bangar, busuk sekali. 4 buruk. 5 tidak enak.
Break, break, break,
On thy cold gray stones, O Sea!
And I would that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise in me.
In these four lines, Tennyson reflects on the connection between the sea and himself. The sea breaks up on rocks much as the poet's thoughts seem to break up on his tongue before he can explain how he feels. This connection between the sea and the poet is reinforced by the fact that "Sea" rhymes with "me." In addition, the two lines about the sea and the two lines about the poet have the same three-beat rhythm. Tennyson could have directly stated how he felt by writing something like: "I wish I could tell you how rotten I feel today." By using poetry, however, Tennyson helped his readers both understand and feel how he felt.
*thy : ( milik kepunyaan) kamu, engkau, -mu. t. book bukumu.
utter: ks. sama sekali. It is u. chaos Keadaan sama sekali kacau-balau. -kkt. 1 mengucapkan.2 memanjatkan (a prayer). 3 melahirkan, mengeluarkan (o's thoughts). -utterly kk. samasekali.
arise: kki. (arose,arisen) 1 bangun. We a. each morning at 7 Kami bangun tiap hari jam 7. 2 timbul. A storm arose Angin ribut timbul. 3 berdiri. He arose from the chair Ia berdiri dari kursi.
reinforce: kkt. 1 menguatkan, menebalkan (a statement). 2 memperkuat (a bridge, troops).
reinforced concrete beton bertulang.
rhyme: kb. sajak. nursery r. sajak kanak-kanak. without r. or reason tanpa sebab. -kki. bersajak.
rotten: ks. 1 busuk (of food, air). 2 curang. 3 bangar, busuk sekali. 4 buruk. 5 tidak enak.
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